Youth Advocacy
Washington Youth Voices Handbook: This is an incredible resource to learn about how adults and young adults can empower younger people by relating to them differently and thinking differently about their place in the world.
Mines Action Canada is a fantastic organization that advocates for the banning of landmines. They do a great job at empowering young people, because young people are a primary target of landmines.
Mines Action Canada How To Guides: Presentations, Media, Government, Fundraisers.
Mines Action Canada Youth Advocacy Modules: Cross Cultural Communication Module, Evaluation, Interpersonal Conflict, Development, Outreach, Proposal Writing
Books from
Citizen Science/Ethical Science
Community Building
CLEAR is a fantastic lab in Canada that has resources for science-y methodologies and justice-based science practices.
The International Institute for Restorative Practices has free webinars about restorative practices.